The breakage of the timing belt is one of the most expensive repairs to the engine. For this reason, it is convenient to know when to change the timing belt of a vehicle to prevent future breakdowns.

When to change the timing belt?

You have to look at the maintenance book of the car to know when you need to replace this component. It oscillates between 60.000 and 160.000 kilometers, although it can be modified according to the type of use and the environment through which it circulates normally:

– Types of use: In urban areas, the belt suffers more wear and the previous estimate must be reduced by approximately 20%. However, if the vehicle travels more frequently on highways and on routes where it reaches a high speed, the deterioration caused would be less and could even lengthen its useful life.

– Environmental temperature. Depending on the temperature, humidity and dust level of the place where the vehicle usually circulates, the durability of the timing belt will be conditioned. In areas of high temperatures (over 30 degrees) and in very cold places (less than 0 degrees), the piece will last in good condition about 25% less, according to the manufacturer’s estimate.

How many years should the belt be changed?

The lifespan of a timing belt can be up to 10 years. But it is recommended to make revisions every 4 or 5 years to check the state in which it is in case a change of the same is necessary.

Prevention is better than cure

The replacement of this element of the engine ranges between 300 and 1000 euros, a reduced price when compared to the cost of its breakage, in which case the repair can cost between 1500 and 6000 euros, depending on the damage caused. Therefore, it is advisable to know when to change the timing belt.

You can obtain more information at the following link:

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